mom, sitti, cyclist, yogini, hiker, psychotherapist, seeker of new things and writing enthusiast…
Hello and thank you for visiting onehipdiva! I began this journey as a blogger on March 3, 2011, but I have been writing in journals ever since I was 14 years old. I love sharing my experiences as a woman, a mother, and a seeker of all things new and challenging. I also love hearing your feedback and your own personal stories. Together we can pave a path of friendship and solidarity. Life isn’t always easy but we can create a community of support by sharing our personal challenges and victories.
Since I began my blogger journey, I’ve sold my big house and purchased a townhome.  (difficult..)  I’ve resigned from my full time job as Academic Dean at Presentation High School. (risky..)  And I’ve welcomed two beautiful young women into our family along with two delightful grandsons!  I never imagined this brand of joy💕.  It’s quite excruciating!
When I’m not at my computer writing I am usually looking for little scraps of paper to write ideas on for the next time I’m at my computer writing! I must admit, writing is a full time job. Every experience in a day is potentially a good story!
My all consuming joy in life has been being mom to Robert, Patrick and Peter and watching them grow and develop into wise and compassionate young men. It has infused my life with more meaning and purpose than I could ever have imagined.  I look forward to enjoying my growing family and continuing to write and write and write some more.
I hope you will join in this journey with me as you continue on yours!
I currently work full time as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist to assist and support adults in finding happiness and satisfaction in their personal lives and in their relationships. You can check out my website here: Rosemarie Shaheen Healy LMFT .
Peter, Bear, Rosemarie, Nazaneen, Patrick, Brianna, Boe, and Robert
Congratulations on your blog, Rosemarie. I know you’ve been contemplating this for a while. Great layout and pictures. Your photo of the boys when they were little, sure brings back lots of good memories of life in Whittier. So glad to be blessed with your friendship for all these years. Keep it up my Ethnic Diva BFF – you’re the best!
Wow. this is cool. I am looking forward to seeing what you got girl!!! xo
You inspire me!
Thought of you when I saw this quote today: “People who keep journals have life twice.â€
― Jessamyn West (no relation)
Love your site! Thanks for upholding the Diva tradition by living your dreams and your joys. You are an inspiration to all of us women who are navigating this midlife thing and realizing we are still Goddesses and maybe even more so now that we have gained wisdom and experience. Thanks so much for sharing!
Thanks for reading my blog, Diva Becky! Your comments are so kind and encouraging. There is a wisdom that comes with the sagging skin! Amen!
Rosemarie, love your blog. Thanks for the inspiration.
Great blog!!! Without Ro Healy , life’s just a party!
Hey Nancy! Thanks for reading! Would you like to write a guest blog?
Love you my friend.. Rosemarie
Hi Rosemarie ~ I met you at Esalen a few weeks ago (I was facilitating the Rediscover Your Self in the Second Half of Life retreat) and you asked me to put you on my e-list. I finally got around to putting you on the list but realize that you only gave me your website (gorgeous, by the way!) but did not give me your e-mail. If you’d still like to be kept up to date with what’s happening through A Woman’s Way, please e-mail me at and give me your e-mail address. Thanks! I hope all is well . . . Karen