Monthly Archives: July 2011

The Divas are coming! The Divas are coming!

The Divas are coming! The Divas are coming!

New friends I treasure and cherish their worth

but old friends to me are the salt of the earth.

~author unknown


Divas far and wide gather every year to celebrate another year of friendship.  Our common denominator being that we are all graduates of Anaheim High School in the year of Minnie Riperton, the Watergate Scandal, Kojak, The Exorcist, the gas shortage, Linda Ronstadt,  and the Volkswagon Super Beetle.

Collectively we have survived such atrocities as cancer, divorce, infertility, betrayal, organ transplants, joint replacements, and children with assorted medical emergencies.   We’ve had dashed dreams and aspirations and we’ve been orphaned.

But mostly we’ve all passed a significant midlife marker and we come together seeking comradery, support, laughter, mischief, revenge… you name it.

This weekend we will create enough energy to light up a small city.

What is it about women and friendship that sets us apart from the male species?  Is it hormonal?  Is it the neurotransmitter exclusive to females that bathes our brains in serotonin when we bond, dance and do each others’ hair that gives us a new lease on life and a positive can do attitude after we spend significant time together?

Fifteen women are core to this group- others participate in the emails, the planning, the wishes they could be there this year and the “after-party” pictures on our exclusive Facebook page.  This weekend 12 fabulous women will meet at my house for catch up, wine, cocktails, salad, BBQ, gluten free, non alcoholic, hold the blue cheese, I only drink Yuban, wild dancing and hootennany music and four days of estrogenous bliss.

Knock on my door at your own risk.


Divas in Palm Desert- Summer of 2008