Monthly Archives: April 2011

Women of Substance

Women of Substance

Those of you who are cradle Catholics like I am know exactly what is happening in this picture. You might even be humming to yourself the familiar tune from the Stations of the Cross.

Every Friday during Lent at St. Philip Neri Parish in Lynwood, California- grades one through eight- we attended this ritual which reenacts the journey to Calvary where Jesus was crucified on Good Friday.  Along this path Jesus meets Veronica.

Just recently on Facebook a friend of mine posted in exasperation: “I’m looking for one strong female role model!  Come on! I know you are out there!”  She received 52 comments.

The thread went something like this:

I need someone to talk to, draw inspiration from. Someone who doesn’t go eeeek when they break a fingernail!  I’m frustrated with the shallowness of women these days! It’s all about appearances!

We need a round table of women willing to meet with no makeup on!

I could spend a whole day on the shallowness of boobs!

How much wine have you had?

Not nearly enough!

Why aren’t there more women adventurers?  Why do we allow ourselves to be tied down and tethered to domesticity?

A slave to our biology! To bear and then nurture selflessly…

Or the corporate apron!

I like men lots. I can’t stand women running around degrading the whole sex with fake boobs and fake weakness and fake airheadedness to make cavemen feel macho.

A woman who is willing to face each and every one of her fears directly in the eye!

Putting it in a form of a prayer always works to bring what I seek into reality.

And a prayer it is… find me one female who is a work in progress, willing to face her fears, doing the best she can in this world with integrity and strength which is her birthright.  A person from whom I can learn and grow into the best woman I can be!


When Jesus crossed the path of Veronica she had a decision to make. Holding the linen cloth and seeing Jesus in all his suffering- blood mingled with sweat dripping off his face- she stepped out in faith against all odds. She shrank from fear and gathered every ounce of courage in order to do the right thing despite the violence of the angry guards and a culture that disregarded women in every venue.  She laid that cloth on Jesus’s face and lovingly and tenderly wiped the grime, showing him a measure of humanity and grace. What woman wouldn’t?  It is our gift as well as our curse. She could not let him pass by unattended and without mercy.  She meshed her innate chemistry as a woman with the courage of a martyr and left us with this extraordinary illustration of how to be a woman of substance.

Veronica is a role model to all women.  Did she really exist?  Theologians laugh and say “yes.. and there is a Santa Claus!” But Veronica has always existed for me.

As a little girl standing with her classmates at St. Philip Neri going through the motions of the Stations of the Cross.

Even before I knew what kind of courage and fearlessness it would take to be a woman.

Food Is Love. Chapter 2. Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s Refrigerator

Food Is Love. Chapter 2. Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s Refrigerator

Life has gotten in the way of my three chapter “Food Is Love” dissertation.  My apologies and a confession..  I am easily distracted.  We can talk about adult ADD another time.  :)

This morning I dug through my old photos looking for this picture.  I know that Patrick is just adorable at one year old but what I really want you to see is my brown “earth-tone” refrigerator circa 1970-80!  Notice the stuff on top of it also.  I can guarantee you that it was “stuffed” inside as well.  Just look at little Patrick.  Does he look like an underfed child?

A couple weeks ago I was invited to a brunch at a friend’s house and I was riveted by their large and fancy two door side by side refrigerator with the water/ice component in the door.  I opened it to look inside and it was chock full of food.  I have fantasized about that refrigerator since then.

Several years ago, in a very timely manner, my then very plain and functional white frig decided to retire in protest of Peter my youngest son and biggest eater’s exodus for college life.  It created quite a stir in my house.  “Mom! You don’t need a big refrigerator any more.  We’re all gone!”  This resulted in a group shopping trip- seemingly a rite of passage for me into the empty nest phase of life- with Robert and Patrick- #1 and #2 sons.   We settled on a tidy and sensible 18 sq. foot frig that seemed to be appropriate for one single woman who would prefer to have a glass of wine and a handful of peanuts for dinner.  (Is that what happens after 25 years of cooking dinner every night?)

At the time I could not identify the pall of sadness that had come over me.  Hmm.. an 18 sq. ft. refrigerator.  Not much room for an abundance of food.  Certainly a sign of minimal love.  But I understood the rationale behind it and succumbed to wisdom of my well fed sons.

After this purchase every grocery shopping trip put me into a tail spin as I tried my best to fit everything into that little icebox.  It seemed that there was only one spot for each item- much like a puzzle that you have to work on for hours.

The moment of truth arrived when Peter came home for a weekend from UCSB, tried to get the milk back into the frig and hollered “Geeze! I can’t get anything into this frig!”  He was certainly stunned with my knee jerk reaction which was to call the store and have them come and get it- restocking fee and all.  Money is no object when it comes to love!  Peter strained to see the connection at the time and so did I.

But since then it has all become clear.  There is actually a mathematical formula for it and here it is:

The total square footage of your refrigerator = the total amount of food you can stuff in there = the total amount of love you can provide for someone = abundance and joy!

So to make a long story even longer I must tell you that this 22 sq. ft. Maytag (the largest frig I could get into my existing space) decided to go on strike the day before Christmas 2010.  Even Kenny, my trusty Morgan Hill appliance MD, couldn’t revive it!  Sixteen people for a sit down dinner on Christmas Day and no refrigeration!  All three sons were home and the question arose… “Mom.  Do you want us to go refrigerator shopping with you?”  (Pause here for a silent mother’s prayer..)

I’m delighted to tell you that I recently acquired a new 22 sq. ft. LG refrigerator.  I am still lusting after the 26 sq. footer with the double doors and the water/ice dispenser in the door but this will do for now.  I want to provide the most food that I can for whomever wants it.  Maybe not a growing family anymore but there are many people who come into my life that need a little food… and a lot of love.

Food is love.  Amen.



Lucy My Love…

Lucy My Love…

Ethel and Lucy play in the garden.


Mornings are my favorite time of day.  I love to get up and open my bedroom door to see my two hungry kitties waiting for me.  We go downstairs together- being careful not to get entangled in each others’ legs and paws.  Lucy and Ethel wait patiently while I make my coffee and as soon as I flip the switch the meowing begins.  I walk the familiar walk to the cupboard and get the can of food out.  I wash their bowls and divide the chow, placing it on the floor with fresh water, all the while chatting with them about what  good and patient girls they are.  I find this little ritual so comforting in the morning.  Kitties and coffee.  A new day and a new beginning.

This morning I am missing my Lucy.  Ethel is on a hunger strike.  Something is amiss in the house.  Last Thursday night my beautiful Lucy succumbed to the whims of a big black dog walking by.  She was much too ladylike and a bit too arthritic to outsmart or outrun him.  I miss her most in the mornings when she is not there waiting for me on the other side of my bedroom door.

It’s been a week and my heart is still broken.  With all the turmoil in our world- people losing homes and loved ones to natural disasters, to cancer and other diseases, war, joblessness. etc. -  I feel a little guilty indulging myself in this sadness over an animal.  Regardless, I am missing her today.