Thursday, October 22, 2015

Patty to the Rescue!

This is me and my bestie at my son Peter’s wedding. The day would not have been complete had she not been there to share this special life event with me and my family.

Patty and I have been friends since we were 14 years old. We were two Catholic girls from large traditional families thrown into the local public high school. Somehow we found each other amidst the 700 kids in the class of ’74. Our friendship solidified and took on a more spiritual dimension when we attended late night Catechism classes on Mondays at St. Boniface Parish in Anaheim.

We cleaned up real well for this picture, but you should have seen us this weekend. Crazy hair, workout clothes, minimal makeup.

Sunday, October 11, 2015


Occurring at a favorable time. Opportune. Involving divine foresight or intervention.

I think both definitions fit perfectly but I am leaning towards the latter.

I am finally in my new home. It feels somewhat like a new shoe. Super fabulous looking but in need of some breaking in.

My sons and my daughter in law have all come to share a glass of wine, Chinese food, snacks, coffee and bagels. My grand-dogs have run through the house, making my cat, Ethel, climb up high on top of the kitchen cupboards just like old times. I’ve had interesting people in and out buying items from my Craig’s List postings (thank you, Patrick), giving me some nice cash to buy lots of take out so that I can feed the “help” until I get this new kitchen organized.

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